How to Choose a Ping Pong Table: Tips & Trix

This pro-tips guide will find the best ping pong table for your needs. Notably, to get your ping pong game on point, you require proper equipment. But to make the best game on the table, you must pick the best table. 

Ping pong tables vary in materials, features, sizes, and more. So, how to choose a ping pong table? This article will help you to know about that.

How many places Do I Require For A Ping Pong Table?

We know the ping pong table takes up a lot of space. That’s why, before ensuring that you measure the area you want to place first. The playing dimensions of a standard regulation table are 9 feet long, 2 feet 6 inches high, and 5 feet wide.

To enjoy this game, you have to need enough space. Additionally, it can vary depending on your family, colleagues, and friends. Hobbyists will need a place measuring about 190 inches by 140 inches. Usually, if you want to get a train home, you need 275 inches x 200 inches of space.

Where Will I Place a Ping Pong Table? Outdoor or Indoor?

Now you know the space that you need for a ping pong table. But it’s also essential to know where you want to put your ping pong table. So, outside your office or your game room, outside the pool? Choose your ping pong outdoor or indoor table based on that. Accordingly, choosing an indoor table is best if you plan to take it outside a few times a year. 

High-quality tables can deliver the best bounce and playing experience possible. Nevertheless, if your table is kept most of the time outdoors, you should go for an all-weather-resistant outdoor version. Water, rain, wind, cold, or sun – sturdy outdoor tables can withstand all weather conditions.

Why Is There So Fuss About The Thickness Of The Table?

Surface thickness, which can range from 12 mm to 25 mm, is an essential factor affecting the price of a table tennis table. Besides this, sits playing quality is also a critical factor that you should consider. This is the indoor table range because outdoor tables come from different materials. That’s why its thickness varies.

Now you want to know why this thickness is essential. Well, it affects the process the ball bounces during your game. The thinner board provides less bounce. Tables with narrow boards are primarily flimsy and easy to damage. Thicker boards offer excellent and even bounce.

Final Word

On the other hand, here we briefly describe how to choose a ping pong table. We hope, from this article, you can know the buying guide for ping pong tables. And we also hope, after reading this article, you can understand which table is best for you. If you love indoor games, you can choose an indoor table; for an outdoor player outdoor table is best.

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